I will GO...Now is the Time!

pastor's study classroom



                                           A Bible Study on Environmental Care

By Pastor Yeison Gonzalez
MA in Hebrew Bible (AIIAS)
MTh in Ancient Judaism (Boston University-STH)

                                                                                                      CARING FOR GOD'S CREATION

"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun,"
(Psalm 19:1–4 ESV)

Most people are on the same page about this: the world is a jaw-dropping wonderland that leaves us starry-eyed! From teeny-tiny particles to sprawling landscapes, it's like nature's art gallery. But when we start pondering those big questions like, "How did all this magic come to be?" or "Who's the mastermind behind this dazzling show?" many, especially Christians, are quick to raise their hands and shout, "It's God—the ultimate Creator behind all this beauty and wonder!"

Objective: To explore biblical teachings on the environment and reflect on how we can live as faithful stewards of God's creation.


                          Lesson 1

Read the following texts and ask yourself what do they have in common?

  • Genesis 1:1-31 - The creation narrative.
  • Genesis 2:15 - The Garden of Eden.
  • Psalm 24:1-2 - The earth is the Lord's.
  • Psalm 95:3-5 - Declaration of God's ownership.
  • Colossians 1:16-17 - All things were created through and for Christ, who sustains all things.

Throughout the Bible, from beginning to end, God is portrayed as the ultimate owner of creation; everything—humans, plants, animals, and land—belongs to Him.

Main idea: both, the Old Testament and the New Testament assert the idea that God is creator and owner of the World (Gen 1, Ps 24:1-2, Col 1:16-17).

Imagine you own a house and decide to go on vacation, leaving someone in charge of taking care of everything inside—your furniture, garden, and even your pet. While you're away, the housekeeper neglects the plants, causing some to die, uses the kitchen without cleaning, and forgets to feed your pet, which then becomes skinny and unwell. How would you feel upon returning home? The Bible contains various parables that reflect a similar theme, where God is depicted as the owner of a vineyard, and humanity is expected to tend to it, yet they fails to do so, provoking God's anger.

Make a list of all the parables that share this perspective:




While not all of these parables directly address creation, they illustrate God as the one who grants various gifts to humanity, expecting them to be used wisely. Get ready for Lesson 2 where we will explore the place of mankind in creation according to the Bible.